Day 2
This room is a small introduction to Python and it's software library Pandas that help with data manipulation and analysis.
Last updated
This room is a small introduction to Python and it's software library Pandas that help with data manipulation and analysis.
Last updated
Learning Objectives
In today’s task:
Get an introduction to what data science involves and how it can be applied in Cybersecurity
Get a gentle (We promise) introduction to Python
Get to work with some popular Python libraries such as Pandas and Matplotlib to crunch data
How many packets were captured (looking at the PacketNumber)?
This will print the whole data frame and as we can see the total number of packets is [REDACTED]
What IP address sent the most amount of traffic during the packet capture?
This will print the column Source
with the count of for each IP address. We can see the Source IP
with the most amount of packets sent is [REDACTED] with [REDACTED]
What was the most frequent protocol?
This will print the column Protocol
with the count of each Protocol used and in descending order. We can see the most used Protoclol